1. Armenian State University of Economics
Economic theory in the modern world is becoming more and more inclusive, touching on topics
that may not be directly related to the cornerstones of economics, but nevertheless, as a result of deep
analysis, their reference to economic life becomes obvious. In this sense, it is relevant to analyze culture
in economic life from two different perspectives. On the one hand, it is important to understand how
having an economic culture and applying its mechanisms in society can «re-edit» that society. And,
on the other hand, what are the effects of culture and its development as a separate object of activity
on the well-being of society, improving the quality of life and, in general, economic development? The
answers to these two questions will make it possible to expand our economic «horizon», creating new
prospects for the development of society and the increase in the level of well-being.
Messenger of Armenian State University of Economics, Armenian State University of Economics
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