1. Vazira Fazila-Yacoobali,The Long Partition and the Making of Modern South Asia, Refugees, Boundaries, Histories(New Delhi, 2008); Yasmin Khan,The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan(New Haven, CT, 2007); Ian Talbot (ed.),Epicentre of Violence: Partition Voices and Memories from Amritsar(New Delhi, 2006); Radha Kumar,Making Peace with Partition(New Delhi, 2005); Mushirul Hasan (ed.),India Partitioned: The Other Face of Freedom, 2 vols (New Delhi, 1997); Gyanendra Pandey,Remembering Partition(Cambridge, 2001).
2. Urvashi Butalia,The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India(New Delhi, 1998); Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhasin,Borders and Boundaries: Women in India's Partition(New Delhi, 1998); Veena Das (ed.),Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots, Survivors in South Asia(New Delhi, 1990); Mushirul Hasan (ed.),Inventing Boundaries: Gender, Politics and the Partition of India(New Delhi, 2000); Jasodhara Bagchi and Subhoranjan Dasgupta,The Trauma and the Triumph: Gender and Partition in Eastern India(Calcutta, 2003); Gargi Chakravartty,Coming Out of Partition: Refugee Women of Bengal(New Delhi, 2005).
3. I have interviewed Professor Kirti Jain, the director of the play, who is also the Professor at the National School of Drama (NSD), New Delhi, and B. Gauri, an actor and also the scriptwriter of the play.
4. Alok Bhalla (ed.),Stories about the Partition of India, 3 vols (New Delhi, 1994); Sukrita Paul Kumar,Narrating Partition: Texts, Interpretations, Ideas(New Delhi, 2004); Ravikant and Tarun K. Saint (eds),Translating Partition(New Delhi, 2001); Jill Didur,Unsettling Partition: Literature, Gender, Memory(Toronto, 2007).
5. Interview with Kirti Jain,Natrang[Hindi Quarterly Journal of Indian Theatre], 20(18) (June 2006), p. 60.