Third World No More: Rebranding Indonesian Streetwear


Luvaas Brent1


1. Brent Luvaas is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Drexel University and Co-Editor of Visual Anthropology Review. He is the author of DIY Style: Fashion, Music, and Global Digital Cultures (Berg, 2012) and is currently completing an ethnographic study of street style bloggers. Follow the progress of the project at .


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Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Cultural Studies

Reference52 articles.

1. More than an Ethnic Marker: Toraja Art as Identity Negotiator

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3. Anderson, B. R. O. G. 1972.Java in a Time of Revolution: Occupation and Resistance 1944–1946. Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press.

4. Anderson, B. R. O. G. 1983.Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.

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1. Gender, Nation, Fashion, and Modernities in the Asia-Pacific, 1900 to the Present;The Cambridge Global History of Fashion;2023-08-17

2. Fashioning culture: Transforming perspectives from Oceania;Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty;2021-06-01

3. Driving Success of Youth Creative Business Based on Online Market Using Social Media;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;2019-11-01

4. Emotional Mindsets of Millennial Consumers in Surabaya on Local Indie Brands Purchase Decision;KnE Social Sciences;2019-03-24

5. Beyond the Border: Yellow Goes International;Global Business Review;2016-08-19







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