1. Adams, Thomas. 1615.Mystical Bedlam, or the World of Mad-men. London: George Purslowe for Clement Knight.
2. Albertus Magnus. 1565.The Boke of Secretes of Albartus Magnus of the Vertues of Herbes, Stones and Certaine Beastes. Also, a Boke of the Same Author, of the Maruaylous Thinges of the World: and of Certaine Effectes, Caused of Certayne Beastes. 2d edn. London: Wyllyam Copland.
3. Anglicus, Bartholomaeus 1582.Batman uppon Bartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, Newly Corrected, Enlarged and Amended. Translated by John Trevisa, revised by Stephen Batman. London: Thomas East.
4. Aristotle. 1910.Historia animalium. Translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson. In J.A. Smith and W.D. Ross (eds)The Works of Aristotlevol 4 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1910).