1. For an extensive treatment of CCC history, see Adogame 1999. Much of the information contained in this article was gleaned from this book.
2. For more details on the history of AICs in Europe, see also Adogame 2000c, 2002, 2004, 2005a, and 2007.
3. See a partial list of CCC parishes in North America, United Kingdom, and Central Europe available at: http://www.celestialchurch.com/parishes/usa.htm, http://www.celestialchurch.com/parishes/uk.htm, and http://www.celestialchurch.com/parishes/europe.htm respectively (visited on December 17, 2007). In fact, these figures exclude parishes established and loyal to new, several factions within the CCC.
4. The scramble by various religious groups to acquire land along the Lagos–Ibadan expressway is a recent phenomenon which calls for further investigation from scholars of religion. The religious, social, and ecological import of this development cannot be overemphasized.
5. See Figure 3 for CCC hierachical structure.