1. Paola Arosio and Diego Meozzi are investigative journalists who specialize in tracking down newsworthy archaeological stories. They run the Italian-based Stone Pages website (established in 1996), which has been recognized as an essential database and forum for the international archaeological community. In 2009, they were the first to report on the controversy surrounding the excavation and sealing-up of the Tomba della scacchiera rock-cut tomb in northern Sardinia. ,
2. George Nash is a part-time lecturer within the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology University of Bristol, UK, and is also Associate Professor at theFaculty of Architecture, Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Romania, and Senior Researcher at the Museum of Prehistoric Art (Quaternary and Prehistory Geosciences Centre), Mação, Portugal. He is a member of the editorial team of Time & Mind.