1. USDA-ARS Coastal Plains Soil, Water, and Plant Research Center; 2611 W. Lucas St. Florence SC 29501
2. USDA-ARS Crop Science Research Lab.; 810 Hwy. 12 E. Mississippi State MS 39762
3. USDA-ARS; Crop Germplasm Research Unit; 2881 F&B Rd. College Station TX 77845
4. Central Institute for Cotton Research; Post Bag No. 2, Shankar Nagar PO Nagpur 440010 Maharashtra India
5. CIRAD; Ave. Agropolis 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
6. Cotton Research Institute of CAAS; Anyang Henan 455000 China
7. CSIRO Plant Industry; Locked Bag 59 Narrabri NSW 2390 Australia
8. Australian Tropical Grains Germplasm Centre; P.O. Box 201 Biloela QM 4715 Australia
9. Center of Genomic Technologies; Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan; Yuqori Yuz, Qibray Region 111226 Tashkent Uzbekistan
10. Embrapa Cotton; Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation; Osvaldo Cruz, 1143, Centenário Campina Grande PB Brazil
11. Embrapa Cenargen; Caixa Postal 02372 Brasilia Brazil 70770-917
12. VIR; 42-44 B. Morskaya St. 190000 St. Petersburg Russia