1. Univ. of Arkansas, Rice Res. and Ext. Cent.; 2900 Highway 130E Stuttgart AR 72160
2. Dep. of Agron. and Hortic.
3. Dep. of Plant Prod.; Jordan Univ. of Sci. and Technol.; Irbid-Jordan Postal Code 22110 Jordan
4. USDA-ARS; Costal Plains Res. Cent.; 2611 W. Lucas St. Florence SC 29501
5. Dep. of Crop and Soil Sci.; Washington State Univ.; Pullman WA 99164
6. Dep. of Statistics; Univ. of Nebraska; Lincoln NE 68583-0915
7. Natl. Inst. of Biotechnol. & Genet. Eng. (NIBGE); Faisalabad Pakistan