1. Dep. of Tropical Plant and Soil Science; Univ. of Hawaii; 3190 Maile Way Honolulu HI 96822
2. Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation; Handong Global Univ.; Gyungbuk Korea
3. Dep. of Agronomy; N. Carolina State Univ.; Raleigh NC 27695
4. Syngenta Seeds; 90 Ratchadapisek Rd. Bangkok 1010 Thailand
5. Rural Development Administration; Gwongseon-gu Suwon Gyeonggido Republic of Korea 441-707
6. Dep. of Plant Biology; Univ. of Illinois; Urbana IL 61801
7. U.S. Dep. of Health and Human Resources; 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20201
8. Monsanto Co.; Williamsburg IA 52361