1. CarenaM.J.2002a.Corn inbred line ‘ND285’. U.S. Plant Variety Protection 9800128. Date issued: 20 March. 2002.
2. CarenaM.J.2002b.Corn inbred line ‘ND286’. U.S. Plant Variety Protection 9800129. Date issued: 19 March. 2002.
3. Registration of NDSG(MS)C5, NDSC(FS)C1, and NDSD(FS)C1 Maize Germplasm
4. Registration of NDSCD, NDSK(FS)C1, and NDSL(FS)C1 Maize Germplasms
5. North Dakota State University.1998a.Corn inbred lines‐1998 releases [Online] Available athttp://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/aginfo/seedstock/varieties/VA‐CORN.htm#ND285(verified 30 January 2003).