1. Dep. of AgronomyUniv. of Wisconsin‐Madison Madison WI 53706‐1597
2. USDA/ARSDep. of AgronomyUniv. of Nebraska Lincoln NE 68583
3. Div. of Plant and Soil Sci.West Virginia Univ. Morgantown WV 26506‐6108
4. USDA/ARSNorthern Great Plains Res. Lab. Mandan ND 58544
5. Dep. of Crop Sci.Univ. of Illinois Urbana IL 61801
6. Dep. of Plant Breeding and BiometryCornell Univ. Ithaca NY 14853‐1902
7. Dep. of AgronomyKansas State Univ. Manhattan KS 66506‐5501