1. USDA‐ARS Plant Science Research Unit and Dep. of Agronomy and Plant GeneticsUniversity of Minnesota1991 Upper Buford Cir.St. PaulMN55108
2. Genomics and Gene Discovery Research UnitUSDA‐ARS Western Regional Research Center800 Buchanan St.AlbanyCA94710
3. Dep. of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental ProtectionUniversity of Silesia40‐032KatowicePoland
4. Dep. of BiochemistryThe Scripps Research InstituteLa JollaCA92037
5. Institute of Biological SciencesUniversity of WalesAberystwyth, PenglaisAberystwythCeredigionSY23 3DAUK
6. Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing, Dep. of Botany and Plant PathologyOregon State UniversityCorvallisOR97331