Banks which aim to take advantage of technological infrastructure and opportunities at an advanced level have often started to implement innovations presented within the framework of concepts such as digital transformation which have become important in recent years. Technological developments such as 5-G technology, smartphones, artificial intelligence, robots, big data, blockchain technology, fintech, augmented reality are some of these innovations. Banks which have started to gain various advantages both in terms of transaction speed and in terms of costs have aimed to maximize customer satisfaction due to increasing competition all over the world and have started to direct all their work within the framework of digital banking. The aim of this study is to examine the concept of “digital transformation” and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation in the banking sector and its effects on efficiency by qualitative research method. In this context interviews were conducted with employees working in both public and state banks in the provinces of Bitlis, Hakkari, Muş and Van which are located in the TRB2 region and it was aimed to contribute to the work in this sense. The data obtained as a result of the interviews were analyzed and various results were reached in line with the purpose of the research. According to the results of the research, digital banking has both advantages and disadvantages. Cost, time, sustainable environment, banking are advantages for customers while security, unemployment, banking operations and some other problems according customers are disadvantages. It was also concluded that the advantages arising from the point of view of customers, bank transactions and bank employees also contribute to efficiency. The effect of disadvantages on productivity is observed to include elements such as customer loss, competitive environment, security, unemployment concern arising from employment in the eyes of bank employees.
Keywords: Bank, Digital Transformation, Advantage, Disadvantage and Efficiency
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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