In this study, the geographical potential of Pazarcık district and the change of land use of the area over time were determined using CORINE land cover datasets. In the study, literature review and field observations were made. Maps were made in ArcGIS program and supported with tables and graphics. Between 1990 and 2018, land has shown great changes in terms of agricultural areas. Agricultural areas, which were 85,242 hectares in 1990, decreased to 70,787 hectares in 2018. The biggest change on the district land was experienced in the period between 1990-2000. The least change was experienced in the period covering the years 2012-2018. The fact that fertile agricultural lands are used for urban use can lead to negative consequences. Sustainable land use methods should be put into practice in order to obtain the desired level of benefit from the district land. Especially with the support of local institutions, the opening of agricultural lands to settlement can be prevented.
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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