Differentiation of yield and grain quality of winter wheat varieties depending on agrotechnological techniques in the conditions of the Smolensk region


Romanova Iraida Nikolaevna,Nikitin Alexander Nikolaevich,Ptitsyna Natalia Vasilevna,Puzik Alexander Alexandrovich,Perepichai Marina Igorevna,Lyakina Olga Aleksandrovna


The research was aimed at studying the formation of the yield level, as well as the quality indicators of winter wheat grain, depending on the studied agricultural practices (the seeding rate, the dose of mineral fertilizers), as well as the suitability of grain for its further processing. The objects of research in the experiment were new varieties of winter wheat of domestic selection: Solnechnaya and Danaya. The highest yield was in the winter wheat varieties Danaya (5 million pieces/ha) and Solnechnaya (5.5 million pieces/ha) with fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers according to the scheme N30+60+30P90K90 kg/ha a.i. It was 6.17   and 5.68 t/ha, respectively. In terms of yield, the Danaya variety is higher than the Solnechnaya variety by 0.49 t / ha. Physico-chemical and technological indicators were the highest with fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers (N30+60+20+10P90K90). Thus, in the winter wheat variety, the solar mass of 1000 grains increased by 4.60 g; nature-by 42 g/l; protein content-by 1.10%; vitreous-by 10%; gluten content - by 8.6%. The grain of the Danaya winter wheat variety was distinguished by physical and chemical parameters. The difference between the varieties was: 5.57 g; 71 g / l; 14%; 1.6%; 8.5%, respectively. Nitrogen fertilizers with their fractional application at a dose of 120 kg / ha d. v. for both varieties increases not only the yield, but also the quality of grain suitable for food, baking and technological purposes.



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