Kopot Evgeniy Ivanovich,Pimonov Konstantin Igorevich,Molchanova Nadezhda Petrovna
In the Southern Federal District, there is a high interest in guar - a new leguminous crop for Russia. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of fertilizers containing trace elements on the productivity of guar grain on ordinary chernozem in the conditions of the Lower Don. On average for 2017–2019, when growing guavar varieties Vavilovsky 130 for grain the highest yield of 1.56 t / ha was obtained when three-term (in the phases of budding, flowering and seed formation) complex fertilizer Ecogrinvit bean was applied. The effect of fertilizers amounted to 183.6%. All foliar micronutrient feeding separately was significantly less effective. Noteworthy is the option with non-root treatment of guar plants with zinc. When a dose of Zn60 was applied, the effect of fertilizer was 109.8%. Twofold application in the total dose of B270 allowed one to obtain the effect of making 94.1%, while the grain yield exceeded the control by 0.48 t / ha. In the conditions of the Lower Don, microelements introduced as foliar top dressing act on guar plants not only as nutrients, but also as fungicides.
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