The Essence of Cultural Competence of Future Primary School Teachers


Atroshchenko Tetiana O.,Almashi-Kopyn Anhelina V.,Bespalko Lesia A.,Bilyk Olena V.


The relevance of the research is determined by a change in the educational paradigm, as a result of which professional training of a specialist involves not only mastering specialised competencies, but also development in the context of a certain cultural space in accordance with the values and traditions of a particular society. The purpose of the work is to determine the semantic load of the concept of “cultural competence of a future primary school teacher”. The study of the chosen problem took place with the help of theoretical research methods, in particular, the authors used methods of structural analysis and generalisation. The article confirms the need to update cultural education in the context of training future teachers. Various scientific definitions of key research definitions in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists are analysed, in particular, the concepts of “competence” and “cultural competence” are interpreted. It is found out that cultural competence is an integral component of the professional competence of future primary school teachers. A theoretical substantiation of the essence of cultural competence of future primary school teachers is presented. For the first time, the author’s definition of the concept of “cultural competence of future primary school teachers” is presented, the essence of which is the perception of this phenomenon as an integrative property of the individual, as a component of professional development, which allows being not only a subject of the educational process and interaction with students but also a proper bearer of your cultures to popularise the cultural achievements of the Ukrainian nation. The value of scientific work lies in providing the author’s definition of the concept of “cultural competence of a future primary school teacher”, which will help to identify its structural elements and create a practical model for the development of this competence


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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