Pedagogical Conditions and Structural and Functional Model of Development of Socio-Cultural Competence of Future Foreign Language Bachelors Based on Interdisciplinary Integration


Lavrenova Mariia V.,Fodor Kateryna Y.


The newest educational space is characterized by a focus on a competency-based approach to training qualified specialists, which indicates that they have mastered not only theoretical but also practical competencies in the context of interdisciplinary integration. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of socio-cultural competence of future philologists on the basis of interdisciplinary integration with the subsequent definition of a structural and functional model. In the course of the study, general scientific research methods were used, in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis to develop a theoretical framework, as well as modeling and systematization to develop a structural and functional model. The article highlights the pedagogical conditions and structural components of the structural-functional model of the formation of socio-cultural competence of future bachelors of foreign languages on the basis of interdisciplinary integration. The author's own interpretation of the concept of "pedagogical conditions" is proposed, which includes ensuring students' motivation to master the socio-cultural context of a foreign language and the culture of another people; actualization of interdisciplinary socio-cultural information in the content of professional disciplines; expanding the range of socio-cultural skills of future bachelors of foreign languages through the use of interdisciplinary communicative and cognitive cases; pedagogical support and organization of extracurricular cultural training of future bachelors of foreign languages. It has been found that the structural-functional model is characterized by integrity, openness, invariance, variability and mobility. The practical significance of the research lies in further empirical study of the functioning of the structural-functional model of formation of socio-cultural competence of future bachelors of foreign languages.


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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