1. Federal Law No. 209-FZ of 07/24/2007 (as amended on 12.12.2023) “On the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Russian Federation”. URL: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_52144 / (date of reference: 12/26/2023).
2. Analytical review of the lending market for small and medium-sized businesses. The website of the Bank of Russia. URL: https://cbr.ru/analytics/develop/inf_material_msp / (date of access: 12/26/2023).
3. In 2021, the number of employees in SMEs exceeded the target figure of the sectoral national project and reached 25.5 million people. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. URL: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/news/v_2021_godu_kolichestvo_zanyatyh_v_msp_prevysilo_planovyy_pokazatel_otraslevogo_nacionalnogo_proekta_i_dostiglo_255_mln_chelovek.html (date of application: 12/21/2023).
4. The report “Small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia: development results, assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state support program, challenges and new opportunities.” URL: http://uralfo.gov.ru/media/files/file/UgCf61U21DQK34LRPL2V0KJYbcODlkKg.pdf (date of application: 01/26/2024).
5. Unified Register of Small and medium-sized businesses. The Federal Tax Service. URL: https://ofd.nalog.ru/statistics.html (date of application: 01/26/2024).