1. INE, Annual data - Education - Number of higher education schools - 1992: http://data.stats. gov.cn/ easyquery.htm? cn= C01&zb =A0M0C&sj=1992.
2. INE, Annual data - Education - Number of students in higher education institutions- 1992: http://data. stats.gov. cn/ easyquery. htm?cn=C01&zb=A0M0D&sj=1992.
3. INE, Annual data - Education – Number of higher education schools - 2017:http://data. stats.gov.cn/ easyquery. htm?cn= C01&zb =A0M0C&sj=2017.
4. INE, Annual data - Education - Number of students in higher education institutions -2017: http:// data. stats. gov.cn/ easyquery. htm? cn=C01&zb=0M0D&sj=2017.
5. Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China "2017 National Education Development Statistical Bulletin": http://www. moe. edu.cn/jyb_ sjzl/sjzl_ fztjgb/ 201807/ t2018 0719_343508.htm.