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2. Wang Ya, Wei Jifei. Inertial potential energy and unembedding path of coil in the field of basic education in the "post-burden reduction" era —— Based on the analysis of social embedding theory. Journal of Chengdu Normal University, 2022, 38 (12): 65-70.
3. Mao Yaqing, Tian Jin, Zhang Wanying . The influence of family economic capital on students' social affective abilities —— the multiple mediating effects of parental involvement. Educational Theory and Practice, 2022, 42 (13): 21-25.
4. Jiang Shuai, Long Jing. The influence effect of family culture and economic capital on education acquisition. The Monthly Education and Academic Journal, 2022: 51-57.
5. Wang Chunchao, Xiao Aiping, Yu Hanchen. A study of the asymmetric peer effect in —— education. Journal of Education, 2022, 18(05): 156-171.