The comparison between the CRT monitor with 3 new types of monitors: LCD, PDP and OLED


Lyu Xiubin


Display/monitor plays an important role in the daily lives. With the development of science and technology, more and more types of displays appear with a variety of applications. One of the earliest displays, the CRT display, served as the catalyst for the development of the display sector. It could still bee seen occasionally now even more than a century after it was created. The development of more sophisticated displays, including LCD, PDP, and OLED displays, is ongoing. They are all irreplaceable for various reasons, and each has its own special benefits. They exhibit better performances than CRTS. The purpose of this work is to compare the working principle, performances, advantages, disadvantages, application, and novel developments of the above four kinds of displays. In the process of summarizing the characteristics of these display materials, their future development trend can be predicted and summarized. Based on their design flaws, they can also be combined to find their improvement direction.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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