Exploring Charismatic Leadership Based on the Case Study of Franklin. D. Roosevelt


Guo Ziyou


This paper is based on the theory of charismatic leadership from Max Weber, analyzing several aspects of charisma and its use in politics. Such research would provide suggestions for political leaders in modern days to improve their public image. The paper takes Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency as a case study, using the methods of the case study. In the research, Roosevelt’s personal factors of his communication, vision, and expertise are examined and discussed. Besides, the paper also takes the social background into account. The study gains the conclusion that communication, vision, and expertise are three factors of charismatic leadership. In this study, the author finds that Roosevelt had great communicative skills, including his use of media. He also formed a great vision to prepare for the Great Depression and Wartime. Additionally, the power of Roosevelt’s presidency was of socialized orientation that he took advice from the public, especially the scholars in universities. In conclusion, political leaders in modern days should learn from Roosevelt’s experience to become excellent communicators, making full use of modern media. They should also take suggestions from experts and the public to form a strong vision and gain professional knowledge.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.








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