Players Versus Bots: The Perception of Artificial Intelligence in League of Legends


Wu Kayan Terrence


With the continued development of Artificial Intelligence, It has begun taking over many roles in society. One of the most prominent fields in which this is happening is virtual and video entertainment, where AI can serve as opponents, story characters, and more. Due to the unique circumstances of the video game League of Legends, it remains one of the few games in which artificial intelligence and even cheats have yet to outperform the best human players. Through an online survey, a small proportion of the community was asked about their perception of AI and hackers. The results clearly showed that a significant portion of the community withholds confidence in their ability as well as their fellow players' ability to outperform cheaters and AI. Furthermore, the AI already implemented within the game serve as little more than introductory guides for new players. As such, there is a large amount of potential for development and experimentation for AI within this game due to the level of calculations, decision-making, and overall computational power needed to create a worthy adversary.


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