The advancement of the HPV vaccine program: focus on adolescents


Lin YeLei


HPV is currently a major hazard to human health. Whether the HPV vaccination program will be effectively promoted in the future depends on the awareness and attention of adolescents and children to the vaccine, and whether their parents are willing to let adolescents and children to be vaccinated.However,a number of issues have arisen in the process. The main thrust of this writing is to examine and review the relevant literature,including the background knowledge of prophylactic HPV vaccine,personal acceptance by adolescents and parental acceptance, and some of the potential social issues.It summarizes the existing types of prophylactic HPV vaccines and the corresponding disease prevention, the principle and background of prophylactic HPV vaccines.Some of the potential social issues, such as conspiracy theorists' rumors about the prophylactic HPV vaccine, people's prejudices about the vaccine, and the price of the vaccine are described.In the end, the future application of prophylactic HPV vaccinesis prospected.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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