Safeguarding Human Rights Against Multinational Enterprises’ Abuse: The Necessity of Mandatory Due Diligence Regulations


Shan Chongxu


As globalization and economic development progress, corporate human rights abuses have drawn increasing attention from the international community. However, existing international norms fall short in protecting human rights. This study employs a comparative research method to examine Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence (MHRDD) laws in different countries, contrasting the shortcomings of international norms with the advantages of MHRDD laws. Through these comparisons and an investigation of the concepts and history of MHRDD laws, the study highlights their importance. Additionally, the research provides recommendations based on an evaluation of existing legislation. These suggestions aim to enhance the comprehensiveness of MHRDD laws, increase the number of companies required to conduct Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), address imbalances in rights, focus on result oriented HRDD, establish red lines, and offer effective remediation avenues. This will contribute to the promotion of human rights protection among global enterprises and the further improvement of human rights protection mechanisms.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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