Research on the Current Situation and Construction Strategies of Leadership in Listed Companies


Li Zehao


At present, more and more companies realize that the leadership-building strategy has an important impact on the company’s development, and begin to focus on how to reasonably build leadership in the company. This article studies the status quo and construction strategies of leadership in listed companies, hoping to summarize and analyze the successful experience and shortcomings of listed companies in leadership construction strategies and give suggestions and methods for improvement. It will help more companies gain more experience in leadership building. This article adopts the case analysis method and analyzes the status of leadership building in the listed society and the problems and causes in the current leadership strategy building of listed companies by analyzing the cases of different listed companies. At the same time, this paper gives solutions to the following problems in listed companies: strategic planning and leadership development, employee diversification, and brain drain. Finally, this article summarizes the experience of many companies that want to build leadership. It also provides solutions and strategies for currently listed companies to improve their leadership-building strategies and status quo.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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