Electrification of Transport: Advantages and Prospects


Zou Baichuan


Electrification has become the main mode of new energy transportation. This paper compared electric vehicles with internal combustion and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Less environmental pollution, higher efficiency of power system, and lower cost were the most favourable attributes of electric vehicles. In addition, comparing Li-ion and other batteries, the greatest energy density, the lowest self-discharge rate, and the longest cycle life made Li-ion the most suitable choice for electric vehicles. However, the Li-ion battery in electric vehicles still has some limitations. The 400 km driving range limits electric vehicles in urban and developed areas. It also made traditional fossil fuel vehicles the best choice for people with long-range travel needs. Under low temperatures, the capacity decline and polarization effects of Li-ion batteries made electric vehicles unable to meet the needs of use in extreme environments. A higher energy density and a wider range of working temperatures are needed to advance further in transportation.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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