This review paper looks for future improvement for HIV. It is obvious that HIV has become a pandemic disease and causes serious problems to human life quality, social stability and public health. However, there are still a lot people get infected by HIV and the mortality of HIV patients has decreased compared with the time that the disease was discovered. By understanding the virus structure and the mechanisms when the pathogen enters the body, humans can find ways to solve AIDS infection in these ways, from the source of the pathogen, the transmission path, and patients infected by HIV. Second, by analyzing two successful cases of HIV cured patients and the failure cases, humans find out that not everybody is suitable for the same treatments as the two successful cased did. Although, nowadays, scientists are working on HIV vaccines, the process is very slow as there are still a lot of mysteries in human immunodeficiency virus and HIV vaccines. Few types of vaccines were undergoing clinical trials. Humans still have a long way to go to overcome HIV, but as more and more attention are paid to HIV patients and the projects which are trying to overcome it, HIV patients’ life quality had improved a lot and their life cycles are prolonged.
Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.
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