For inviscid airflows, the small disturbance equation (SDE), as a condensed form of the full potential equation, is an effective approach for characterising the behaviour of this type of airflow in the presence of thin obstacles in its path. Density-based solutions (DBS) are frequently used by ANSYS to model the airflow behavior under the same environment. Through the impact of shock interference between the target wings, special Bussemann-type supersonic biplane designs can be effective in restricting sonic booms and wave drags in particular supersonic conditions. The modeling investigations of the shock oscillations produced between the wings are quite rare, nevertheless. Therefore, in order to replicate the behavior of the airflow over the target wing in supersonic settings and to compare the results more closely to reality, the Small Disturbance Equation (SDE) and the Density Based Solution (DBS) will be employed as efficient simulation tools in this study. The SDE results are vulnerable to inaccuracies because of the constraints of the simulation settings, whereas the DBS results are more accurate when compared to the exact simulation results. Overall, the DBS simulation results and the legit results are consistent, indicating that the inviscid airflow hypothesis is a feasible option for modelling the effectiveness of shock oscillations between wings. The SDE approach, which is implemented in Python and is a condensed version of the en-tire potential equation, offers a lot of space for development as it only does simulations in terms of velocity in this article and ignores the pressure and density elements.
Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.