Research on Teaching Reform of Chemistry Experimental Course under New Engineering Background


Zhao Lijuan,Kan Xurundong


With the proposal of new engineering education concept, new challenges are posed to the teaching reform of chemical experiment course. This study aims to explore the teaching reform path of chemistry experiment course under the new engineering background, so as to improve the students' practical ability and innovation ability. As an important part of engineering education, the teaching objectives of chemistry experiment should be consistent with the new engineering education concept, and pay attention to cultivating students' ability to solve practical problems and teamwork spirit. At present, there are some problems in chemistry experiment teaching, such as outdated curriculum system, too theoretical experiment content, lack of combination with engineering practice, and low participation of students. These problems restrict the improvement of teaching quality, and can not meet the needs of new engineering education for talent training. Therefore, the primary task of the reform is to update the experimental curriculum system and integrate more experimental projects with engineering background and cutting-edge technology, in order to improve the practicality and challenge of the experiment. In terms of reform strategies, it is suggested to implement the "student-centered" teaching mode, and encourage students to take the initiative to explore and innovate through project-driven and problem-oriented teaching methods. At the same time, strengthen the integration of experimental teaching and theoretical teaching, so that students can deepen the understanding of theoretical knowledge in the experiment, and use theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. In addition, the information level of experimental teaching should be improved, and virtual simulation and other technologies should be used to expand the space-time dimension of experimental teaching and improve the teaching effect. The change of the role of teachers is also the key. Teachers should change from the teacher of knowledge to the guide and collaborator of students' learning. By building an open and interactive classroom environment, stimulate students' interest in learning and innovative thinking. At the same time, the establishment of a diversified evaluation system, in addition to the investigation of students' experimental skills, but also should pay attention to the evaluation of their innovative thinking, teamwork and solving practical problems. To sum up, the teaching reform of chemistry experimental curriculum under the background of new engineering should focus on the update of curriculum content, the transformation of teaching mode, the integration of teaching resources and the reform of evaluation system. Through the implementation of these strategies, it aims to build an experimental teaching system that can not only meet the needs of new engineering education, but also cultivate high-quality chemical engineering talents. Such reform is of great significance to enhance the competitiveness of chemical engineering education in China.


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