Impress of Climate Change in the Himalaya on Plant Evolution


Peng Xiaodi


Currently, species diversity has become a hotpot to biologist. Some researchers find mountains contribute disproportionately to Earth's terrestrial biodiversity, especially in the tropics, where there are unusually rich and confusing hot spots. But current assumptions about large-scale geographic patterns of species diversity cannot explain the extremely high biodiversity in mountain regions, especially in the tropics, where is characterized by a complex spatial configuration of terrain and climate. This paper focuses on three prominent and brief factors which impact species differentiation most in Himalaya to illuminate some researches up to now, include geographical, climatic, and biological. Geographic affect plant diversity by bring alien species, and format monsoon and plateau environment through uplift. Monsoon can advance the formation of landform also. Further, the period climate change can induce variation of endemic species, and the pollinator can impact variation by reproduction, thus the mismatch between pollinator and plants recently may lead the decline of certain species. Besides these, nowadays palynology evidence has become a credible two-way entry point to research plant evolution and climate change in the past era by authenticating how subspecies formatted. What’s more, because the vagaries of climate have prompted the breeding of endemic species, the rising temperature currently may alter the vegetation in alpine area.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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