The Anticancer Effects of Artemisinin and Two Key Derivatives Dihydroartemisinin and Artesunate


Wu Yunzhen


Compared to non-malignant cells, cancer cells are better suited to oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species activity is assumed to be increasing, leading to higher oxidative stress in malignancies. The key derivatives of artemisinin are dihydroartemisinin and artesunate. Oxidative stress, activation of apoptosis, blockage of angiogenesis, and iron sagging are the main findings of artemisinin and its derivatives' anticancer actions. It has been established that the endoperoxide content of artemisinin and its derivatives is of crucial pharmacological significance and is the cause of its anticancer properties. The molecular structure further modification could be a possible way to improve the anticancer capabilities. These properties of artemisinin indicate that it is involved in the oxidative lipid damage that leads to cell death. It shows that the cytotoxicity of artemisinin in vivo is affected by many factors such as vitamin E, holotransferrin and C0-Q10. The vitamins are involved in cell metabolism and very often taken by cancer patients. Further study to investigate the possible impacts in vitro and vivo is necessary.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.







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