Research on Optimization Algorithm of Residential Decoration Design Layout Based on Building Information Model


Feng Yan


Building information modeling technology creates and utilizes digital models for the design, construction, and operation management of projects", organizing various building information into a whole. The algorithms of each era are limited by the level of research at that time: the first generation The problem faced by the evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm is how to combine the evolutionary algorithm with the multi-objective optimization problem organically. How to deal with the problem of high-dimensional multi-objective optimization. Evolutionary multi-objective optimization has developed to the present, and gradually shows the characteristics of diversity. In the process of single-objective optimization, when the fitness value of individuals in the population does not increase within a certain algebra, it can be It is determined that the algorithm can be stopped. This stopping strategy cannot be simply applied to multi-objective optimization. Finally, the superiority of the algorithm in this paper is obtained.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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