The Impact of Science and Technology Innovation on Carbon Emission Reduction Efficiency--Based on the input-output perspective


Xu Ruiyang


Using 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China from 2013 to 2019 as the research objects, the dynamic benefits of emerging technologies and high technology on reducing carbon emission reduction efficiency was analyzed from the input-output perspective using the DEA-Malmquist method and by calculating the Malmquist index. Tobit regression analysis was also used to further investigate the factors influencing the differences in carbon emission reduction efficiency between different provinces and cities. The findings show that: i) science and technology innovation has a significant positive effect on reducing carbon emissions, and factors such as R&D funding have a positive effect on efficiency; ii) the regional tertiary industry share positively moderates this effect, while the regional Internet development level negatively moderates this effect. Finally, based on the results of the empirical study, we analyze the reasons for the changes of carbon emission reduction efficiency in each region and propose management suggestions to promote the improvement of carbon emission reduction efficiency.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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