This article is an overview of the common traits and mental disorders of serial killers, specifically antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, etc. By reviewing pertinent and current and past literature about serial killers and mental disorders, the passage discusses etiology, impacts, symptoms of the disorders. In the result and discussion part, by using various cases and experiences of serial killers, the article lists commons of criminals in different aspects: biological, psychological, and environmental factors. For biological aspect, the brain structure, neuro-chemical in brain, and genetic factors are discussed; for psychological aspect, relevant mental illnesses and personalities (using a Five-Factor Model research) are mentioned; the environmental aspect focuses on criminals’ childhood and their family parenting. Last, the article illustrates the intervention with potential criminals who share the common disorders and traits with serial killers who have been caught. Overall, this review accumulates several previous papers of criminology and antisocial personality disorders, providing further information on intervention of at-risk individuals who are likely to become criminals.
Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.
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