Big Data Analysis for Supply Chain Management: Evidence from JD E-commerce, NongFu Spring, Tesla


Lin Hongan


Contemporarily, companies in this data era confront great opportunities and difficulties, and data is used as a measurement tool for value. Driven by the data era, this study briefly introduces big data analytics and supply chain management, and integrate several managements used for big data. This paper analyzes the implementation of three examples (i.e., JD e-commerce, NongFu Spring, Tesla), examine the principles involved, and explore the challenges and prospects of analytics. This paper focuses on the factors that influence big data work for supply chain and summarizes various aspects of big data analytics in supply chain management. According to the analysis, businesses that successfully apply big data and convert its value into productivity will have a significant competitive advantage and take the lead in their sector. The ability to use big data is a key driver for companies to use analytics to make supply chain decisions. In addition, companies can make business judgments through forecasting to achieve reform in the supply chain to obtain speed and thus get a profitable advantaged. These results shed light on guiding further exploration of the applicability of big data technology on the supply side.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.







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