Hua Jincheng,Pan Hui,Cheng Shaoping,Deng Hao,Shi Zhenlei,Dai Jin,Huang Zhigang,Sang Yu
Objective: To explore the mechanism and prevention measures of calculi and adenular cystitis because of IUCD bladder ectopic. Method: Clinical data of one patient with IUCD bladder ectopic cystitis were collected, and the main history, examination data, intraoperative surgical methods and postoperative follow-up were also retrospectively analyzed. Result: The patient recovered well after surgery, without recurrent urinary tract infection after 1 year of follow-up, and recovered from sexual life. Conclusion: IUD allotopic and adenandular cystitis requires complete resection of the lesion, and laparoscopic combination with cystoscopy has obvious results.
Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.
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