1. Referans 1 Barthes, Roland; S/Z, Paris, Seuil, 1970.
2. Referans 2 Benelli, Francesco; The Architecture in Giotto’s Paintings, Cambridge University, Press, Cambridge, 2014.
3. Referans 3 Boccacio, Giovanni; (Çev. John Payne), Decameron, 3 Cilt, Lawrence& Mullen, Londra, 1895.
4. Referans 4 Bokody, Péter; Images-within-Images in Italian Painting: Reality and Reflexivity, Burlington, Ashgate, 2015.
5. Referans 5 Bologna, Ferdinando; Novità su Giotto, Giotto al tempo della cappella Peruzzi, Turin, G. Eiunadi, 1969.