Research every college will continue to grow. Research will be stored in softcopy and hardcopy. The preparation of the research should be categorized in order to facilitate the search for people who need reference. To categorize the research, we need a method for text mining, one of them is with the implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVM). The data used to recognize the characteristics of each category then it takes secondary data which is a collection of abstracts of research. The data will be pre-processed with several stages: case folding converts all the letters into lowercase, stop words removal removal of very common words, tokenizing discard punctuation, and stemming searching for root words by removing the prefix and suffix. Further data that has undergone preprocessing will be converted into a numerical form with for the term weighting stage that is the weighting contribution of each word. From the results of term weighting then obtained data that can be used for data training and test data. The training process is done by providing input in the form of text data that is known to the class or category. Then by using the Support Vector Machines algorithm, the input data is transformed into a rule, function, or knowledge model that can be used in the prediction process. From the results of this study obtained that the categorization of research produced by SVM has been very good. This is proven by the results of the test which resulted in an accuracy of 90%.
Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)
Cited by
7 articles.