Background: Maize landraces show remarkable diversity and environmental adaptability in Mexico. Nevertheless, few studies have explored physiological mechanisms used by different maize landraces to grow and yield in a particular agroecological region.
Question: How do three landrace maize populations from contrasting maize races in southeastern Mexico, differ in their responses in terms of growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, and gas exchange?
Studied species: Zea mays L.
Study site and date: Yucatan, Mexico; 2017.
Methods: The field experiment followed a complete randomized block design, with six replicates. Three contrasting maize landraces were evaluated as treatments. Response variables were vegetative traits, dry matter allocation, yield components, and maize physiological responses. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey multiple comparison test (P ≤ 0.05).
Results: Maize landraces showed differences in cycle length, plant morphology, and yield performance. The long cycle maize landrace Xnuc-naal, had tall plants that accumulated 17 and 21 % more dry matter than Xmejen-naal and Elotillo, respectively. The short-cycle maize landraces Elotillo and Xmejen-naal exhibit superior physiological responses leading to higher grain yields compared to the Xnuc-naal.
Conclusions: The landrace Xnuc-naal stood out for its ability in forage production, whereas Elotillo and Xmejen-naal exhibited notable physiological efficiency in grain production in southeastern Mexico.
Botanical Sciences, Sociedad Botanica de Mexico, AC
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