Background: Lycianthes moziniana (Capsiceae, Solanaceae) is an endemic and widespread species in Mexico. Morphological and molecular evidence suggested three varieties (L. moziniana var. margaretiana, L. moziniana var. moziniana and L. moziniana var. oaxacana).
Hypotheses: Lycianthes moziniana is integrated by differentiated lineages corresponding to the three varieties identified.
Studied species: Lycianthes moziniana (Dunal) Bitter.
Study sites and dates: Mexico from 2017 to 2021.
Methods: We measured 11 morphological characters based on 207 herbarium specimens. Discriminant Canonical Analysis (DCA), Mahalanobis Square Distance (MD) and Canonical Classificatory Analysis (CCA) were used to uncover the differences among varieties. For geographic and climatic preferences and divergence, we used 288 records and four climatic layers.
Results: Two canonical functions explained 100 % of the morphological variation and seven characters had the highest discriminatory power. In addition, MD was statistically significant. Meanwhile, the CCA recovered three groups at 77 %. The morphological evidence demonstrated the distinctiveness of L. moziniana var. moziniana. In contrast, L. moziniana var. margaretiana and L. moziniana var. oaxacana were morphologically similar. The identity test showed significant differences among Ecological Niche Models (ENMs). The evidence indicates geographic and climatic isolation among the varieties. Lycianthes moziniana var. moziniana is widespread and has intermediate overlap with the other two varieties. Lycianthes moziniana var. margaretiana and L. moziniana var. oaxacana were isolated in different biogeographical provinces and showed the lowest overlap.
Conclusions: Morphological and geographic data indicates incipient speciation is occurring.
Botanical Sciences, Sociedad Botanica de Mexico, AC