The article is dedicated to the research of the peculiarities of the translation competence formation of future border guards. The translation competence is determined as one of the main components of cadets’ professional competence. The main components of their professional competence are language competence; communicative competence; translation competence (bilingualism and translation skills); technical competence (ability to encode and decode information); personal characteristics (pre sentability, memory development). It is noted that the first three components are characteristic of any type of translation, and the last two are only for the consecutive translation. The methodical techniques used during translation training are substantiated: the principle from simple to complex, the logical structure of the lesson, the use of communication situations in which the language material being studied can function. Special attention is focused on preparatory, operational and holistic exercises that must be performed at translation classes. The purpose of preparatory exercises is to master certain mechanisms (compression, paraphrasing, etc.), the presence of which is necessary for translation. Operational exercises are designed to develop translation skills (the main ones are finding and choosing equivalents, using adequate translation methods and involving into another language code). Holistic exercises are done to develop the ability to apply translation skills to perform oral translation. The conclusion was made about the need to involve future border guards in the systematic practice of translating texts of various genres, teaching them the rules of translation, special terminology to facilitate the translation process. The optimal number of border guards for training is 6-8 cadets (one is a translator, the rest of the group listens to the translation, checks, corrects and discusses mistakes). It is emphasized that as a result, future border guards acquire new skills to make decisions independently in the process of translation under the supervision of the instructor, to avoid mistakes, to have a critical view of translation options, to know tasks, duties and to be aware of the translator’s responsibility.
Bogdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
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