Leukemia risk and rate of radiation dose accumulation. Part 2: Comparative analysis of leukocytic indices and dynamics of peripheral blood values in relation to external gamma-exposure dose


Sosnina S. F.1,Yurkin A. M.1,Okatenko P. V.1,Rogacheva S. A.1,Gruzdeva E. A.1,Sokolnikov M. E.1


1. Southern Urals Biophysics Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia


The results of a retrospective analysis of leukocytic indices and dynamics of peripheral blood values in relation to external gamma-exposure dose among the personnel of the first atomic production facility in Russia were presented. The study was performed on the basis of the database “Leukemia in the cohort of workers of the Mayak Production Association employed in 1948-1958”. The database contains hematological, clinical and dosimetry information on the two groups of workers: the study group includes individuals with leukemia as the cause of death (n=84); control group includes personnel without hematological cancer pathology (n=300). The control group was composed by selecting 3-4 internal control cases for each leukemia case taking into account gender, age of the start of the exposure and the same accumulated absorbed dose of gamma-exposure to red bone marrow. Based on 19592 analysis of peripheral blood we had described hematopoiesis shifts along cell lines, performed correlation analysis of interrelation between hemogram values and radiation dose, analyzed particular characteristics of blast cells’ appearance in peripheral blood flow in the period prior to leukemias. Comparative analysis of various leukocytic indices was performed among Mayak PA personnel for the first time. The diverse nature of the response of bone marrow hematopoiesis was noted; more pronounced hematological shifts were indicated regarding more intensive production exposure. A number of hematopoietic features were detected among people exposed to production radiation: 1) cytopenia in relation to minimum accumulated doses of radiation exposure in both studied groups; 2) more pronounced lability of hemograms in relation to increased accumulation dose of external gamma-exposure and period of radiation exposure among individuals who had developed leukemia in future in comparison to controls; 3) correlation between peripheral blood cells and accumulated doses of external gamma-exposure was characterized by the highest values of coefficients among individuals with future leukemias; 4) myeloblasts were most often registered among all the blast cells; proerythroblasts were characterized by the shortest average period from the start of the exposure and to the moment of their appearance in the peripheral blood flow (178 days in the study group); polychromatophile erythroblasts in peripheral blood were registered only among the workers with future leukemia; 5) when comparing leukocytic indices in proportion to the categories of accumulated doses of external gamma-exposure, a pronounced variability in the ratio of blood cells was observed among exposed individuals who were subsequently diagnosed with leukemia, especially in the range of 2.0-2.5 Gy. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of hematological parameters, including the assessment of leukocytic indices, is more informative than studying a standard hemogram. Particular features of the dynamics of the cellular composition of peripheral blood can be used as indicators of pathological hematopoiesis in exposed workers prior to clinical manifestation of leukemia.


SPRI of Radiation Hygiene Prof. PV Ramzaev


Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging

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