1. Ramzaev P.V., Barkovsky A.N., Baryshkov N.K., Bruk G.Ya., Titova T.N. Bulletin. Radiation exposure doses of the population of the Russian Federation in 1999, SPb., 2001, 29 p. (In Russian)
2. Barkovsky A.N., Baryshkov N.K., Bruk G.Ya., Kormanovskaya T.A., Kuvshinnikov S.I., Lipatova O.V., Perminova G.S., Romanovich I.K., Stamat I.P., Tutelyan O.E. Bulletin. Radiation exposure doses of the population of the Russian Federation in 2002, SPb., 2004, 61 p. (In Russian)
3. Barkovsky A.N., Baryshkov N.K., Kormanovskaya T.A., Kuvshinnikov S.I., Lipatova O.V., Perminova G.S., Repin V.S., Romanovich I.K., Stamat I.P, Tutelyan O.E. Bulletin. Radiation exposure doses of the population of the Russian Federation in 2003, SPb., 2004, 59 p. (In Russian)
4. Barkovsky A.N., Baryshkov N.K., Kormanovskaya T.A., Kuvshinnikov S.I., Lipatova O.V., Perminova G.S., Repin V.S., Romanovich I.K., Stamat I.P., Tutelyan O.E. Bulletin. Radiation exposure doses of the population of the Russian Federation in 2004, SPb., 2005, 61 p. (In Russian)
5. Barkovsky A.N. [et al.] Information Bulletin: Radiation exposure doses of the population of the Russian Federation in 2005, SPb., 2006, 39 p. (In Russian)