Development of the automated system for assessing radiation risks to the population of the Russian Federation based on the data of radiation-hygienic certification of territories


Akhmatdinov R. R.1,Biblin A. M.1,Repin L. V.1


1. Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Professor P.V. Ramzaev, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing


The assessment of the radiation risk based on the data of the radiation-hygienic passports of the territories makes it possible to give a brief quantitative characteristic of the negative impact of sources of ionizing radiation on the health of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation at the population level. The calculation of individual indicators of radiation risk for the population of particular region of the Russian Federation is a time-consuming task that requires referring to radiation-hygienic passports of territories for particular years. Therefore, the purpose of the performed work was to develop specialized software designed to assess the indicators of radiation risk to the population of the Russian Federation according to the data of the radiation-hygienic certification system of territories. Automation of the calculation of radiation risk allows not only to simplify the calculation procedure but also to carry out a spatial-temporal analysis of risk in dynamics for different regions of the Russian Federation over long periods. The methodological basis for the software development is guideline MR “Calculation of radiation risk according to the data contained in the radiation-hygienic passports of the territories to provide a comprehensive comparative assessment of the radiation safety status of the population of the subjects of the Russian Federation”. To achieve the set goal, two computer programs were developed: 1) to automate the process of calculating radiation risk based on the information contained in the radiation-hygienic passports of territories, a computer program “Calculation of radiation risk indicators according to RGPT data”; 2) for the spatial visualization of the calculations, a specialized geographic information system “Radiation risks of the population of the Russian Federation according to radiation-hygienic certification data”. The computer programs developed in the course of the work allow an automated calculation of radiation risk based on the data of radiation-hygienic passports of territories, visualize the spatially distributed results of calculating radiation risk, carry out a preliminary assessment of the state of radiation safety, based on the data contained in radiation-hygienic passports of territories using radiation risk indicators. 


SPRI of Radiation Hygiene Prof. PV Ramzaev


Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging

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