Muz Atıkları Kompostunun Toprağın Azot ve Fosfor ile İlişkili Enzimatik Aktiviteleri Üzerine Kısa Süreli Etkisinin İzlenmesi


TAVALI İsmail Emrah1




A large amount of plant pruning waste occurs after annual care in banana production areas. This waste material contains significant amounts of organic substances and nutrients. In this study, banana waste compost (BWC) was applied to the soil both alone and in mixture with leonardite (LT) and vinasse compost (VC). Treatments include: control (CL), banana waste compost alone (BWC-2: 2 t da-1; BWC-4: 4 t da-1; BWC-8: 8 t da-1), leonardite alone (LT: the recommended application rate), leonardite with banana waste compost (BWC-2+LT; BWC-4+LT; BWC-8+LT), vinasse compost alone (VC: the recommended application rate), vinasse compost with banana waste compost (BWC-2+VC; BWC-4+VC; BWC-8+VC). Afterwards, the changes in the activities of nitrogen (NH4+NO3) and phosphorus (available P) related enzymes (urease and alkaline phosphatase) were monitored through analyzes made on soil samples taken on certain days (0th, 10th, 20th, 40th, 80th). During this period, the pH and EC values of the soil were also measured. According to the results obtained; it was determined that banana waste compost combined with leonardite generally positively affects the pH, EC, exchangeable NH4-NO3 and, available P of the soil, as well as the activity of urease and alkaline phosphatase compared to other treatments. In this regard, according to the control, the urease activity of the soil increased by 875%, the alkaline phosphatase activity by 149%, the exchangeable NH4+NO3 by 188%, available P by 83%, and the EC value by 100%. However, the pH value decreased by about 5%. As a result, it can be stated that the application of banana waste compost combined with leonardite as a soil conditioner at least 4 t da-1 will be economical and 10 to 20 days after this application, nitrogen and phosphorus availability will increase in the soil.


Uluslararasi Tarim ve Yaban Hayati Bilimleri Dergisi


General Medicine

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