Amanor-Mfoafo Naa Kai,Edonu Kwamina Kurefi,Akrofi Olivia,Dowuona Ebenezer Nortei
In the wake of the current closure of schools in Ghana, basic schools have been tasked to deliver teaching and learning using e-learning. This study seeks to explore the readiness of teachers in Ghanaian basic schools to undertake e-learning. Using an online questionnaire, data was collected from 108 teachers in both private and public basic schools in Ghana. A factor analysis was conducted to identify the challenges that influenced the ability of basic school teachers to teach using e-learning. The study findings indicated that a majority of the teacher participants preferred face-to-face teaching as compared to online teaching. The study recommends that basic schools adopt a blended approach to teaching where teachers can combine both face-to-face methods with e-learning methods. The study contributes to discussions on the transition from conventional teaching methods to E-learning methods in educational institutions across Ghana.
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Open Access Publishing Group
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6 articles.