Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina - state and perspectives




Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in Southeast Europe, and more than half its area of 51.129 km² belongs to forests and forest lands. 93% of the forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina are natural forests and have many plant species, many of which are endemic. There are eight oak species growing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most important ones are Quercus robur (despite being almost extinct due to over-exploitation during the late XIX and early XX century), and Quercus petraea. Pedunculate oak in Bosnia and Herzegovina is found in mixed stands with common hornbeam and in pure stands under exceptional conditions, with a total area of about 30,000 ha. In this paper, the data of the studies carried out in the pedunculate oak forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina were compiled and a general evaluation was made. The results of phenological observation in pedunculate oak provenance test in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the years showed statistically significant differences among provenances in the beginning, end and duration of individual phenological phases. Researches on growth showed overtaking of provenances through the years, and best results in provenance Jelah for the most of investigated years. The research results on showed a significant positive correlation between the height and root collar diameter in provenance test and most of the investigated .The remaining pedunculate oak populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a good genetic structure and can be used as a seed stands for collecting seed material and producing seedlings for afforestation with this species.


Ormancilik Arastirma Dergisi


General Materials Science

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