Datca palm (Phoenix theophrasti Greuter) is the only one of two palm species in the European continent. Its subspecies, Golkoy palm (Phoenix theophrasti Greuter subsp. Golkoyana Boydak) was recorded only in Turkey. These two species that are distributed in sensitive ecosystems should be protected diligently. Although Datca palm has three natural populations in Turkey, Golkoy palm has only one population. These populations are threatened further due to certain factors such as tourism activities, pollution, urbanization, use of groundwater and forest fires. Therefore, in-situ and ex-situ protection measures should be taken to ensure its continuity. To this end, certain treatments have been developed to increase the seed germination percentage and speed of Golkoy palm for seedling production. Out of these treatments, gibberellic acid (GA3) and “ultrasonic treatments” have been found to increase the seed germination percentage and decrease the seed germination duration.
Ormancilik Arastirma Dergisi
General Materials Science
Reference69 articles.
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